LEVEL E Exam Simulator

During the six years I worked as a French-language tutor, I helped hundreds of people prepare for the French Federal government exams. One thing all my students had in common was their desire to have more practice exams. While we had access to a few, my students would complete them quickly over the course of a few weekends.

However, the real value of the exams emerged when we went through the questions one by one and discussed why they got it wrong or why they got it right. Nothing can really replace time spent with a teacher this way but not everyone has the time or the budget to hire a private tutor for weeks or months.

This is why we designed Level E: we wanted to provide practice exams that would simulate the real exams but that would also provide that discussion with a language teacher so that it can also become a learning tool.

So, you can do these exams as you would the real exams and, if you choose to, you can get explanations in plain language that will help you study and get better for when comes the time for the real exams.

My vision in founding this company and creating this product, was born out of my experience as a former certified French-language teacher, translator, and editor for the Canada Gazette (where I had to obtain the professional “P” levels above the “E” levels, in both French and English).

Our team of editors, French-language teachers and I have spent hundreds of hours crafting each question, answer and explanation with one goal in mind: to help you pass the official exams with as high of a score as possible. But we also have a secret goal: the hope that you will improve your French and learn to love the culture, the great ideas, and the wonderful people you will have access to as a French speaker.

Thank you!

Thierry Plante, Founder